Dear Friend
Our efforts have continued over the past year to preserve the security and sanctity of our cemetery and to ensure safe access for visitors. We carried out a structural survey of the wall section near the entry gates that highlighted the need for renovation work which has been completed. Last year we spent a total of £5,367.00 on maintenance costs which included repair work to the boundary wall. As you are aware the state of the Cemetery is totally dependent on the financial help we receive from caring supporters like yourself.
Whilst any amount that you can afford to give is welcome, a donation of £55.00 per year payable to ‘MJCC-RICE LANE’ would enable us to continue ongoing maintenance and take further measures to improve security and grave access. If you are a UK taxpayer, then filling in a Gift Aid Form will increase the value of your gift at no extra cost to you.
If you wish to donate on-line please visit:
(Please ensure that you state your donation is for Rice Lane).
It would help us considerably if we were able to reduce postage costs and contact you by email. If you do have access to email please could you kindly send me an email marked for the attention of Arnold Lewis to info@mjccshifrin.co.uk
Merseyside Jewish Community Care performs its maintenance role via the ‘Friends of Rice Lane Fundraising Committee’, through which all funds raised are used solely for the upkeep of Rice Lane Cemetery. We thank you for your past and continuing support and wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
Yours sincerely
Arnold Lewis
Friends of Rice Lane Fundraising Committee
PS: I would very much welcome one or two volunteers to join our committee and assist in our efforts. If you are interested in doing so please make contact via Shifrin House or telephone me directly on 0151 722 5021
Administered by Merseyside Jewish Community Care Registered Charity No: 1122902
Registered Company No: 6087087