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1.  Meals Delivery Service

Meals are delivered by volunteers every Wednesday and Friday morning using their own cars

Time commitment – 1½ - 2 hours approximately once a month on a rota basis.


2.  Luncheon Clubs

     a)           Volunteers help prepare and cook the meals served to Luncheon Club members.

                   Time commitment – 3 – 4 hours, on a rota basis.

     b)           Volunteers organise activities and help Club members participate and serve tea

                   Time commitment – 2 – 3 hours on a rota basis.


3. Wednesday Lunch Circle

Volunteers help prepare lunch, set tables and take money

Time commitment – 2 – 3 hours per month, on a rota basis.


4.  Hospital Visitation

Visiting Jewish patients in hospitals on a weekly basis.  Can be on a rota basis          

Time commitment – 2 – 3 hours a month depending on need.


5.  Gesher Group

For young people with social and mental health issues or problems.  Volunteers with professional skills (e.g. Social Workers, C.P.N.) offer services on a rota basis

Time commitment – 3 – 4 hours per month.

6.  Chevra Kadisha

 Volunteers (men and women) carry out this Mitzvah as appropriate.  Training and  

 support is provided.


7. Men to make up a Minyan for Funerals 

       When no family available to attend.


8. Office Duties

       Volunteers help with community mailings, filling envelopes or delivering

      Time commitment - approximately 2 – 3 days - three times a year.


9. Transport Bank

       Volunteers offer to transport people to our Clubs

      Time commitment – 1 hour weekly or as required.


10. Shopping Service

 Volunteers offer to take people shopping

 Time commitment – 1 – 2 hours per week, can be on a rota basis.


11. Mens’ Support Service

To visit men in their own homes

Time commitment – 1 – 2 hours per month.


12. Take-A-Break

Volunteers to sit with people in their own homes to enable respite for carers.

Time commitment – 2 hours per month


13. Visual Support Group

Volunteers help facilitate VSG activities

Time commitment – 2 hours per month (Wednesday).


14. Bereavement Service

Trained Volunteers to offer support and/or counselling on bereavement

Time commitment - as required.


15. Fundraising

Willing to raise funds on behalf of MJCC e.g. bridge evening, marathon, cycle ride.



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